Wednesday, December 7, 2011

An Omnivore Whose Beauty is Far from Veiled

-*-Veiled Chameleon-*-

Veiled Chameleons are also know as: Cone-head or Yemen.
These awesome critters originate from Saudi Arabia and Yemen (which is near Saudi Arabia).

 They have flattened, arched bodies that can be mistaken for a leaf.

These tree dwellers are a very unique kind of chameleon. One reason this proves to be true is that they have specific breeding colors. 

This ability is without a doubt something extraordinary. 
They don't just change their colors according to their surroundings.

Veiled Chameleons change colors based on their moods, temperature, health and for mating season.

Males are usually blue, brown, and gold. Females are green with white markings. Brighter their surroundings, the brighter the lizard.Their colors tend to darken when it is around mating season.

The female's mating colors are robin's egg blue markings down the back and tail, and with vertical streaks on the casque (helmet like structure). 

Smaller blue lateral spots will be farther down on the sides of her body.
A male will make his colors brighter, flatten his rib cage, and curl his tail.

Females grow from about 8 to 12 inches. Males grow to reach 19 inches. They are said to even reach 24 inches.

 Males can store sperm, which means they can fertilize up to two litters on average, in just one session. A female veiled chameleon can lay 27 to 80 eggs every 90 to 120 days.

 Females lay their eggs 20 to 30 days after mating. Incubation temperatures should be between 80 and 88 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Their eyes are able to to rotate and focus separately.
They have narrow eyes for the ability to seek out a pray in a far away distance. 

Also they have long sticky tongues. Which they use to quickly lash out to grab a pray. 

Veiled Chameleons are omnivores.
 An omnivore is a kind of animal that eats either other animals or plants. 
*Photo Courtesy of:*

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