Sunday, December 18, 2011

Carnivorous Chameleon

-*-Senegal Chameleon-*-

Senegal chameleons originate from Africa, Southern Europe, and Southern Asia.
They can grow to be about 6 to 8 inches long.

Like many lizards they are able to change color. Some of the colors they come in are: grey, brown, and green. *Tidbit* A chameleon's color change is caused by its emotion, as well as light and temperature, and not by its background.

Males have broader tails and are more of a grayish-brown color, with triangular blotches. As for females they are more of a darker green or brown/green color.

Senegal chameleons are carnivores (meaning meat eaters). Some insects they prefer to eat are: small crickets, fruit flies, meal worms, and wax worms. 

If you own one here is a tip about the feeding:
Be careful not to over feed because, the female can become egg bound. Egg bound is when she is unable to pass an egg that is stuck in her reproductive tract.

**A way to prevent egg binding is providing a proper egg laying  box, a humid enclosure and plenty of calcium.**

The amount of eggs a Senegal chameleon can lay is 20 to 60 eggs. The eggs hatch in about 6 months time. Gestation lasts for about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 months. 

(Gestation is the carrying of an embryo or a tiny fetus inside a female viviparous  lizard viviparous: development of the embryo inside the body of the mother).

The sexing of Senegal chameleons is quite simple. When the male is an adult look for two lumps on each side of the(bottom) base of the tail.

These chameleons can live for about 6-7 years depending how good their health. 

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