Thursday, January 5, 2012

Blood Sucking Lizard

-*-Oriental Garden Lizard-*-

Oriental garden lizards are found in Asia, and are capable of rapidly changing colors.

Some of the colors you may see them come in are: brown, a grayish-olive, or even yellow.

These bright changeable colors are strange within male lizards.
During mating season its head, neck, and shoulders turn bright orange to red.

This gives them another common name: Bloodsucker Lizard. 
Of course they don't suck blood at all.

Oriental garden lizards eat small vertebrates such as; rodents and other lizards.

Their teeth aren't used for tearing apart, they are used for gripping.

Prey are swallowed whole.
Young oriental garden lizards can choke on a prey if it's to big to swallow.

The oriental garden lizards are related to the iguana.

Females can lay up to 10-20 eggs. They bury them in moist soil.
In about 6-7 weeks they would hatch.

They can grow to be 15-16 inches.

*Photo Courtesy of:* Jonathan Garcia-

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