Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Cold Blooded Mother with a Warm Heart

Talking Reptiles and Heart Warming Moments.

Alligators that talk? Alligator hatch-lings cry for their mommy's with a high pitched chirp when they are strayed from her or in trouble, and dominant male alligators have a deep roar to keep other males off their territory.

Most reptile eggs are deserted long before they hatch, but not alligator eggs. Alligator hatchlings are welcomed into the world by their mommy. 

I have never hear of anything more sweeter than an alligator mommy. She helps crack open tough egg shells. Then stores the babies in her mouth to keep them safe. She'll stay with her young for several months.

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50 Year Old Iguana

50 Year Old Iguana
*Picture Courtesy of Patrick Short*

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