Sunday, January 8, 2012

Don't Go Near That Clutch!

-*-Snakehead Fish-*-

Snakehead's originate from South and Southeast Asia.
They have a long dorsal fin, large mouth, and shiny teeth.

Most can grow to be 2-3 feet, "dwarf Snakeheads" grow to 10 inches.
This particular snakehead grows to be 1 meter long, that's a whole lot of fish.

Adults are dark brown, and has faint black bands across it's entire body.
Babies are reddish-orange. 

When still in egg form both parents guard them until they hatch.
Both parents make a nest out of vegetation during breeding time.

The female can lay up to 2,500 eggs and it takes 24 hours for them to hatch.
When anything comes to close to the clutch of eggs the parents will attack.

Snakehead fish eat frogs, water bugs, and smaller fish.

These guys are also oxygen breathing fish. 
They can last up to four days out of the water! 

Snakehead's use something called a subrabranchial organ, or a labyrinth organ.
This enables them to breath oxygen.

*Tidbit* During the dry season snakehead fish burrow themselves in mud.
*Photo Courtesy of:*
*Thank you reader for your comment!! Anyone feel free to email me if you have an animal you wanna know about or if you have a strange fact you wanna share:*

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