-*-Blue Tongue Skink-*-
The blue tongue skink is found in New Guinea, Australia, and on an island located in Australia called Tasmania.
Skinks have a long body, and a tail that is actually shorter than the body. The tail tappers to a point.
Like most lizards they can break off their tales if they feel in danger. It does take a while to re-grow the tail back.
You can usually find skinks in a couple of color patterns such as orange bars with brown on the sides, or dark brown bars on a light brown/ cream background.
Their shiny scales that over lap one another contain small plates of bone.
Blue tongue skinks get their name (obviously) from having a very unique cobalt blue tongue.
At the tip it looks as if it is spoon shaped. Very unique.
When being attacked by a larger prey the skink will lower it's jaw and flick out their tongue to seem like they are dead.
Skinks are omnivorous. They eat insects, snails, carrion ( the carcass of a dead animal), flowers, and fruits.
Their eyes have a slit that has a transparent lower eyelid. The lower eyelid is to protect the eyes from dust so they can still see.
Fewer than more lizards give birth to life young. This particular lizard does.
They give birth to about 5 to 15 live young.
When skinks reach to adult hood they can get to around 17 to 24 inches.
They live for about 18-20 years.
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