Friday, December 9, 2011

Hanging Loose With the Green Anoles

-*-Green Anoles -*-

Green Anoles are tree dwelling lizards.
They come from Southeastern United states and the Caribbean islands. 

Anoles are also found in warm areas through out North and South America.

These lizards like to hang on walls, fences, trees, and low bushes.
Anoles climb using their padded feet.

Green Anoles can reach to about 6-8 inches.
Like many lizards they have the ability to change color.
Such colors as: green, brown, yellow, gray or even a mixture.

Their bodies are slender with a long thin tail.
The tail is able to break off when feeling like they are in danger.

It can be re-grown but, it will take a while to grow back and will be shorter than before. 

Anoles eat insects like crickets, cockroaches, spiders, moths, and grubs.

Males have a large pink fan of skin on their neck (also known as a dewlap) which is used for territorial display or mating. 

Male anoles bob their heads and do a little dance to show the female that he is interested in mating. They mate during April through to August, and can even last to September.

The female will lay her first clutch of eggs after 2-4 weeks of mating. Which usually ranges from 1–2 in her first clutch. She will continue to lay eggs until a total of 10 or more eggs have been produced. 

When it comes time for her to lay her eggs, she will bury them in the soft soils or compost nearby, and after that she no longer takes any care for it. 

The egg(s) are/is left alone to incubate by the light of the sun and if successful will hatch in 30–45 days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love to see some photos of them hatching!!!!

50 Year Old Iguana

50 Year Old Iguana
*Picture Courtesy of Patrick Short*

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