Saturday, December 3, 2011

World's Largest Reptile

-*-American Crocodile-*-

The American Crocodile is the largest endangered reptile. 

The crocodile is a living dinosaur.

A small population lives in southern Florida but, most are found in Southern Mexico, Central and northern South America.

There have been multiple occasions where crocodiles have either, attacked or eaten humans. Even though many say, they get away as quick as possible at the first sight of humans.

Some things crocodiles normally eat are things like: small mammals, other reptiles, fish, crab and frogs.

The crocodile is related to the alligator. The way to tell the difference is to look at their teeth and snout. 

Crocodiles have longer and thinner snouts. Alligators have short blunt snouts.

Female crocodiles can have up to 35 to 50 eggs.
They incubate them for about 3 months.

 You always know when a mama crocodile has eggs around somewhere. They will definitely let you know.

Crocodiles can live for about 70 years.
The length of these guys is around 15 feet! 

Imagine 15 feet of crocodile with about 150 to 450 pounds.
That's a lot of CROC!

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