Saturday, December 10, 2011

Spotting the lovely Leopard Gecko

-*-Leopard Gecko-*-

These nocturnal reptiles originate from eastern Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Northwestern India. They love to be in rocky dry areas.

Leopard Geckos can come in  colors such as yellow, brown, white, and dark brown spots on a white or yellow background.

Their eyes like many lizards have slits. When dirty they use their tongues to clean them.

Leopard geckos can grow to be approximately 6 to 9 inches.
Males are more heavily built than the female with a broader head and thicker neck. 

The leopard gecko has skin that is dry and bumpy in texture. 
When they shed they tend to eat the shedding.

Male leopard geckos have post-anal swellings, a wider tail base, and V-shaped pre-anal pores leading to the vent.

They have clawed feet which makes them unable to climb walls or glass windows.

Leopard geckos are carnivores. 
They mostly eat crickets, meal worms, grubs, and sometimes a pinky (baby mouse).

Most female geckos lay 2-3 eggs per clutch but, can lay up to 7 clutches.
They live for 15-20 years in captivity but, some have lived up to 30 years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is cute. I still want to get another Senegal Chameleon. The one we had was really friendly...then laid eggs and she died.. 20 eggs and she was so little. You have any facts about them and being egg bound?

50 Year Old Iguana

50 Year Old Iguana
*Picture Courtesy of Patrick Short*

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